
This is what I think of the world.

Navigating the waves


I am seething as I write this. We’ve been led, forced to walk the plank under duress, by this Conservative premiership since day one. We’ve been kind and understanding, we (the public) have entrusted not only her, but our official opposition to debate Brexit like adults and put not the desires of their party donors before the national interest.


And yet, what we have is simple – a travesty of democracy where our two main parties, each funded by big business who can afford the losses or by protectionist trade unions, both backed by a nonsensical media to pull apart this country for the benefit of the few elite at the top. Exactly the opposite of what Brexit was supposed to be about.

We are, and always have been, in this together.

Today, our great leader told MPs that she’ll update them in fourteen-day’s time. It leaves a month to go before we walk, stumble blindly into the misty fog, all hands on deck as we attempt to bring HMS Lizzie back under control, navigating the waves we once proudly ruled.

The fog is thick, and where we’re headed there are no lighthouses to navigate by. The stars are all obscured and we’re told that it’s all for the best of Britain that we head onwards regardless, with little more than an OS Map of the south coast. But who’s Britain is that? It certainly isn’t mine.

Now is the time, more than ever – at least in my lifetime – to be political. To hold those who have contempt for common sense to account, withdraw power and support from a crumbling two party state and challenge the very notion of our politics.

We must ask difficult, fundamental questions of our political institutions ensuring that they aren’t cornered into thinking solely about the next election cycle as has become routine, but instead put this country’s long-term future firmly in the centre of all we do.

There is an immediate action that I am therefore unashamed to sit here and plead for you to take: revoke your party membership (if you have one) of a political party which has failed us all on Europe, whether that’s the Conservatives or Labour, and join a party which is standing up against them.

This is particularly prevalent if you are a Remain MP – do what is right, not what is easy!

These parties may seem too big to fail, but they aren’t. And it’s only by shifting the balance of power away from them that we will be able to redress the wounds caused by this awful state of affairs.

As it stands, we’ll be setting sail into an abyss, and we need our captain to quickly and radically rethink our course out towards the depths. I, for one, am trying to make sure that there are enough life jackets to go around – currently we’re short.

So I plead again for you to take action, stand up and be counted, and help us to protect our great nation from heading up Shits Creek sans paddle.

Enough of the maritime references...

PoliticsJK DoranComment