As one year closes and another begins, I sit looking out to sea and it feels oddly familiar even though I’m as far away from home as possible. Being next to the water, listening to its waves crash and witnessing its endless promise along the shore, I wonder what will be around the corner.
Read MoreWith social media and the rise of the instant, with the world spinning so fast it sends us each into a spiral if we’re not careful, it’s easy to get lost. In a city like London, where pausing for breath could mean the difference between a promotion and being fired, between happiness and sorrow, between life and death, it’s important that we take stock once in a while – to find our zen.
Read MoreYesterday, I met a Labourite and we had dinner in a Brick Lane curry house, and I remembered seeing their members in the Pride in London parade. The clever folk of LGBT Labour produce shirts for members to wear on Pride which state “I’ve never kissed a Tory.”
Read MoreAs part of my ongoing decision to be more transparent about, and perhaps proud of, the campaigning I’m doing, I’ve just written to my local MP about Brexit.
Read MoreWhen I think of the state of the world, I see change. It’s a different world to that of a century ago, different to a decade ago, different even to a year ago. But whilst some sectors are allowed to progress, politics is stuck in nostalgia.
Read MoreI’ve been sitting on a draft of this post because I don’t know how to finalise it. There is just too much to try and cover, all in similar vein and yet not coherent when placed together, so instead I’ll be drawing this out to a mini series of posts over the next few weeks in a desperate attempt to understand the world as it stands.
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